Tag Archives: east coast

East Coast Adventures

As you may know from my previous posts I like to have little getaways now and then. I think it is great to see something new and experience a new place. I find it kinda cathartic. Well, not the packing (or un-packing) but the rest can be quite lovely. Now normally I stay along the coast, specifically the West Coast, but this time I thought it would be good to mix it up a bit and I headed East. On this trip I visited Toronto, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec – my first time in both cities. It was quite the adventure; from taking the TTC, to staying in an extremely old house I’m pretty sure got me sick, to experiencing a city where I didn’t speak the language; it was a great (although overwhelming at times) vacation! Now enough with the words, let’s see some pictures!

First up: Toronto!


A shot of the CN Tower


Cake from the BEST bakery on Bloor St. called Future Bakery! Yum!


Royal Ontario Museum


Niagara Falls

Next was a road trip with some my favourite people to Montreal! (As an aside, this trip was initially kind of overwhelming as a non-French speaker. It is amazing to see how culturally different Quebec is from the rest of Canada.)


View of the city from a view point on the mountain. So gorgeous!


Cool and colourful side of a building


Old Montreal. Reminded me a lot of the West Coast of Canada. Very pretty here.


So, that was basically my trip minus a few things that were less “picture perfect.” I really enjoyed my time on the East Coast and who knows, maybe I’ll be back sometime soon!


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