Tag Archives: Adventure

East Coast Adventures

As you may know from my previous posts I like to have little getaways now and then. I think it is great to see something new and experience a new place. I find it kinda cathartic. Well, not the packing (or un-packing) but the rest can be quite lovely. Now normally I stay along the coast, specifically the West Coast, but this time I thought it would be good to mix it up a bit and I headed East. On this trip I visited Toronto, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec – my first time in both cities. It was quite the adventure; from taking the TTC, to staying in an extremely old house I’m pretty sure got me sick, to experiencing a city where I didn’t speak the language; it was a great (although overwhelming at times) vacation! Now enough with the words, let’s see some pictures!

First up: Toronto!


A shot of the CN Tower


Cake from the BEST bakery on Bloor St. called Future Bakery! Yum!


Royal Ontario Museum


Niagara Falls

Next was a road trip with some my favourite people to Montreal! (As an aside, this trip was initially kind of overwhelming as a non-French speaker. It is amazing to see how culturally different Quebec is from the rest of Canada.)


View of the city from a view point on the mountain. So gorgeous!


Cool and colourful side of a building


Old Montreal. Reminded me a lot of the West Coast of Canada. Very pretty here.


So, that was basically my trip minus a few things that were less “picture perfect.” I really enjoyed my time on the East Coast and who knows, maybe I’ll be back sometime soon!


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Some might say it was a long time coming, and although it took longer than expected it seems like such a sudden change. Six. That is how many years it took me to graduate with my Bachelor’s degree. It was long, it was hard, and it challenged me. People always talk about the late night, the all-nighters, and their relationships with coffee and other caffeinated drinks; but for me, it was more than that. Those were par for the course and while they were a part of my time at university, my experience at school was about so much more. To me it’s about the good times, the struggles and the pick me ups. These are the moments I will never forget. That being said there are a few people and moments I cannot write a post about my university experience without including. So, in no particular order, here we go.

I don’t think anything shaped my experience at school and as a person, more than moving out and living with some pretty amazing people. Deciding to live on campus was kind of a spur of the moment thing done without my parent’s knowledge but I’m glad I did it. I became better friends with the most amazing people because of it. My little “twin” and probably the best friend I’ve ever had! I know that these are the girls that will always have my back and be there for me through the late nights, the laughter, and so much more. I’m cannot express my gratitude for what they have done for me and helped me through.

Spontaneous Adventures
These are the moments I never thought I would have done. Being shy and slightly timid it’s not always easy for me. But these spontaneous adventures, pranks, and late night adventures have helped me to come out of my shell. But more than that they have shown me the kind of life I want to have. Full of laughter and experiences I wouldn’t change for the world.

Alpha Phi
Nothing has been quite the same since I joined Alpha Phi. I have met some of the most amazing people through this organization. I have learned a lot and enjoyed every moment of being part of the sorority. AOE.

All in all my university experience has had a huge impact on my life. It’s hard to say goodbye to something that has been , pretty much, all I have known for the past six years. They say that change can be good, and whoever they are, I sure hope they’re right about that.

I’m looking forward to the new adventures and paths my life is going to take in the years following my undergrad.


Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it’s like we’re women and men
– Graduation Song, Vitamin C

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