Category Archives: Travels

East Coast Adventures

As you may know from my previous posts I like to have little getaways now and then. I think it is great to see something new and experience a new place. I find it kinda cathartic. Well, not the packing (or un-packing) but the rest can be quite lovely. Now normally I stay along the coast, specifically the West Coast, but this time I thought it would be good to mix it up a bit and I headed East. On this trip I visited Toronto, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec – my first time in both cities. It was quite the adventure; from taking the TTC, to staying in an extremely old house I’m pretty sure got me sick, to experiencing a city where I didn’t speak the language; it was a great (although overwhelming at times) vacation! Now enough with the words, let’s see some pictures!

First up: Toronto!


A shot of the CN Tower


Cake from the BEST bakery on Bloor St. called Future Bakery! Yum!


Royal Ontario Museum


Niagara Falls

Next was a road trip with some my favourite people to Montreal! (As an aside, this trip was initially kind of overwhelming as a non-French speaker. It is amazing to see how culturally different Quebec is from the rest of Canada.)


View of the city from a view point on the mountain. So gorgeous!


Cool and colourful side of a building


Old Montreal. Reminded me a lot of the West Coast of Canada. Very pretty here.


So, that was basically my trip minus a few things that were less “picture perfect.” I really enjoyed my time on the East Coast and who knows, maybe I’ll be back sometime soon!


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Vacation Getaway


You know that saying; the one that says something along the lines of how you can’t just run away from your problems?! I am a big believer of that saying; however, I have recently realized the importance of a getaway.

So, what’s the difference?

Well the way I see it, a getaway is time for you to go somewhere to relax. Somewhere different then your usual every day scene. This is a place where you can go have some fun, try something new (like I’ve suggested in a previous post), or spend quality time with yourself, family or friends.

Running away on the other hand, while it may sound very similar, has a different motive for this change of pace or scenery. You leave to escape what is troubling you, with the intention of avoiding the problems in life.

Instead of running away try working things out, at least a little bit, and then reward yourself with a getaway. Otherwise, your problems will still be here when you get back from your vacation, and that is no fun at all.


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